Research Topics
Ellis and Levy (2008) state that “What makes research of interest is how it will impact future research and other researchers, not the...

Right now, I believe that microlearning is more for adult learners who are more adept at identifying a problem and addressing it by...

Finding and Evaluating Sources in Research
More research on research has brought about more musings on research. That's a lot of research! I give to you my next two aha moments...

The Research Process
As I have begun delving into the world of educational research, I have found myself mulling over two major takeaways. Takeaway 1: Most...

VR for Education - Is it Worthwhile?
This is a topic that I have always debated about in my mind when it comes to educational technology. I, an avid video gamer and advocate...

Technology Adoption - Why or Why Not?
Thinking about early vs late technology adopters, a very important question comes to my mind: What motivates different people, and how...

Affinity Planet - Revelations
It has been an interesting journey down the rabbit hole of affinity space exploration. I have clocked many hours of play, discussion,...

Bite-sized Lessons in PBL Gaming
In continuing to pursue my interests in the crossovers between project-based learning and games for learning, I found a reading titled...

Learning Journey - Part 2
Reading and writing about pedagogical theory has always been fascinating to me, but at the end of the day I’m an application person. No...

Play On! - Forbidden Desert
The desert is a sprawling wasteland of sand, sun, and storms, or so the stories go by those who’ve attempted the journey before you. Your...