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Right now, I believe that microlearning is more for adult learners who are more adept at identifying a problem and addressing it by gathering information to help them in the moment. However, I don't think it should be discredited when it comes to secondary education. I think that microlearning could be a really effective way to help students be more successful, but in order to do that students must also be adept at knowing how to identify their areas of struggle and simultaneously know how and where to seek our resources to give them that in-the-moment short burst of learning they need to overcome and move forward. These skills must first be taught and nurtured in order for students to truly benefit from microlearning. Since teachers have so much on their plates in terms of having to teach so many standards and be accountable for so many different types of learners, it would be impossible for a single educator to provide these in-the-moment bursts of learning for every single child. However, a teacher can provide opportunities for students to learn how to reach out for their own in-the-moment bursts.


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