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Listed here you will find my internship which was the culmination of my work at the University of Colorado Denver. This internship demonstrates how I met the Colorado Department of Education's (CDE) standards for Instructional Learning Technologies. 

Internship Proposal

In order to begin my internship, I needed to identify a technology related problem within my work community that needed to be addressed. Once identified, an intervention was designed by me to address the problem. This proposal identifies the problem and clear goals for the intervention activities planned. 

CDE Standards Addressed

7. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments. Coordinate the development and directs the implementation of technology infrastructure procedures, policies, plans, and related budgets.​

8. Leadership and Vision. Facilitates the development of a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology; and provides leadership in building an environment and culture supporting that vision.

Internship Hours

Listed here is a log of my weekly hours and corresponding activities throughout my internship.

Internship Report

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