VR for Education - Is it Worthwhile?

This is a topic that I have always debated about in my mind when it comes to educational technology. I, an avid video gamer and advocate for technology integration, love the idea of bringing new tech into the classroom when it is beneficial and engaging. However, the practical side of me is always analyzing whether or not the new piece of tech will be effective for learning and practical with the money and time allotted. Some technology just doesn't make the cut for me, and VR is one of them. Though it has potential uses, the cost of funding this kind of tech for a class of 30+ is unpractical. There also is few to no quality examples of VR in math (my teaching subject) which is also a deterrent. However, my district keeps telling me that I should give it a try anyway and throwing me really terrible math examples that would only cause the tech to become with my students and a waste of my instructional time. While I also think that in education we should take all paths regardless of how wildly experimental they may be, I think there still needs to be some sort of initial assessment process before adding a new piece of tech into the classroom. Evaluating what it is good for and what it is not good for can help set up the technology use for success as opposed to critical failure. Establishing it for authentic purposes is the key to getting more buy-in and enhancing educational practices.