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Affinity Planet - View from Above

If you were to visit /r/LittleBigPlanet and were looking for my alias lately, you would notice a profound absence of it on the subreddit. However, this does not mean that I have been absent from participation in the LBP community. I have begun to find a new love and purpose within my affinity space - one that transcends the boundaries of the space itself.

The last time I posted, I talked about helping individuals get started making their own community levels within the game by answering questions posted on the subreddit. Within the last few weeks I have noticed an influx in these types of posts, but with an added quirk - people have begun posting their actual level creations for review by the community. Intrigued by the notion of getting to play someone else's level and provide them feedback, I started checking out the levels that were being cross-posted on Reddit from To date, I have actually played through 5 different levels from five different creators in our community and provided comments with feedback to the creators through the portal. It has been empowering to be able to actually play test someone else's work and provide them with real-time feedback on what works and what could be improved. Overall, the reception to my feedback has been positive with, so far, three of my reviewees thanking me for putting in the effort in helping them to improve their levels.

I am not sure, at this point, if I will begin creating my own levels again and publishing them for critique in a similar manner. The level of commitment it takes to create a good LBP level and the time and attention that will be diverted from my newfound participation in the community are the largest factors in keeping me from doing so curently. For now, I am content to just play through levels and provide comments to level creators. I hope to be able to double my reviews by the next update and provide some user approved screenshots as proof of this increased participation.


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Most photographs are the original creation of Stephanie Flynn


All other photographs and clipart are used in conjunction with permission from their respective authors via Creative Commons.

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