Affinity Planet

I've been a lurker of Reddit for about 5 years now. During that time I have gleaned knowledge, news, and inspiration from people all over the globe within the multitudes of subreddits that I continue to visit almost daily. If you looked at my profile, you would think that I was an inactive account; I have posted exactly 9 original posts since 2012, I have 6 karma between posts and comments, and I have never been guilded for my wit. My role has simply been to be a learner within the walls of Reddit instead of a contributor or a teacher. Most recently I have favorited /r/LittleBigPlanet a subreddit for sharing "LittleBigPlanet levels, ideas and news with like-minded Redditors," with the intent of finally getting off of the lurker bandwagon. If you aren't familiar, LBP is a Sony console game where the main game plays out as a 3D, sidescrolling, adventure, puzzle game. I have beaten all three versions of the game multiple times over the course of the last two years. Until recently, the game boxes sat on my shelf collecting dust as their replayability to me had decreased. Last fall, I found a new love for the game in its level creating functionality and the people that keep building new levels for the enjoyment of the LBP community. There is a huge learning curve to building a video game level within LBP, and I almost gave up until I found some helpful tutorials and walkthroughs on /r/LittleBigPlanet. As a result, I have successfully created two fully playable levels of my own. I am by no means an expert at it, but I now feel confident in my ability to give back to the community. I have started sifting through the comment sections for unanswered or barely answered creation questions and providing some starting points for newbies of the game.

So far, I have been able to comment on at least four different posts and provide insight to fellow creators on how to start, tweak, and enhance their levels for greater user enjoyment. Something that I hope to do more of as the days wear on is to begin posting my own level creations and getting critical feedback from the community about what I can do to better myself as an LBP creator.