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Literature Review on Blended Learning
As I became more interested in using blended learning as a way to enhance learning for my students in math, I took to the literature to find out more about research conducted on its implementation in k-12 schools. My overarching question was, "How does blended learning affect student engagement, growth, and achievement?" My findings on this question can be found in my literature review.
Inquiry-Based Research on Blended Learning in the K-12 Math Classroom
After conducting research on how other k-12 teachers were implementing blended learning and what kind of results they were seeing, I began my own inquiry-based research into the topic. The question that I sought to answer as a result of implementing BL in my classroom was, "Can BL be effective and efficient in raising student achievement while decreasing teacher workload?" My observations, connections to the literature, analysis, and conclusion can be found in my inquiry report. A shorter summary of my work can be viewed in the video reflection.

A Reflection on Equity in the Math Classroom
Equity in the classroom can be hard to achieve without first understanding what places barriers stand in the way for some students. Though technology has the power to provide access to more people, it also has the power to divide people if it is the only thing educators depend on to provide equity. After analyzing the equity of my math classroom, I created a brief analysis and summary of my thoughts in an animated Powtoons video.

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